Community Hours received these fantastic photos and an incredibly heart-warming note from our friends and partners at @kidshavenbenoni . “We Wanted to share how amazing your meal in a bag initiative is and just how it’s helping in a very poor area. Because of the generosity of the Community Hours Volunteers we have been able to feed almost 1000 people in an informal settlement on the edge of a mine dump on the far side of Springs. We’ve also been able to assist 126 families to grow vegies. Together with meal in a bag, they can use their vegies and your meal bags and keep their children healthy. 💙💛🤗With meal in a bag that we are receiving people from Marikana started soup kitchen it will run every Friday for as long as we still getting them. Bongiwe from food garden will oversee it and they will also use veggies from their garden”
THIS IS JUST EXTRAORDINARY! Community Hours Volunteers Rock ! #VolunteeringinAction. #Volunteerwithheart